There are so many ways that this Bella & Duke Adult Lamb Raw Dog Food 500G meal helps your dog thrive. Lamb is full of nutrients like iron, zinc that helps boost their immune system and omega 3 fatty acids that support heart health, joint health as well as skin and coat health.
Meat is a vital protein source for your dog. This is because it is complete, meaning that it contains all the essential amino acids that are key for their health, but they can’t produce naturally. Often referred to as the building blocks of life, these powerful nutrients play an important role in so many functions in the body, they support digestion, eye health, brain function, joint health, muscle growth and repair and so much more.
Berries and vegetables add all-important fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. Rotated seasonally for maximum freshness and benefit, we freeze these at source too to lock in all that nutritious goodness. We include leafy greens like kale for vitamin C, carrots which provide B vitamins and calcium, as well as hand-picked berries for potassium, manganese and vitamin E.
To finish, we add a splash of oils too. Pure olive oil, and sustainably sourced kelp and herring oil add delectable flavour and health benefits too. These healthy fats are rich in omega 3 and 6, they provide energy, and ensure the normal development and proper function of cells, tissues, muscles and nerves too.
Please note that this product is available for in-store collection or with a local bulk feed delivery only.