Finding the Right Balance

With Spring grass here and Summer on the way, many of us are wondering what to feed our ponies/horses. Research has shown that forage alone (grass/hay/haylage) is unlikely to provide all the nutrients required even for horses and ponies at rest. Good doers often don’t need the recommended amount of compound feed so diets can lack all the key nutrients. This is where using a Feed Balancer comes into play, it provides concentrated nutrition without the calories and helps to balance out a forage based diet.

Feed Balancers are low starch/sugar and contain vitamins and minerals, biotin, quality protein to build and repair muscle/tissue and yeast to maintain a healthy hind gut. Feeding a Balancer instead of a compound feed can help to prevent weight gain and excess energy without compromising health and can ultimately save money!

Feed Balancers are fed in small quantities e.g. (always check bag for feeding rates). 100g/100kg body weight, 300kg pony = 300g per day

Bag sizes can vary – generally 15-20kg, so always check the weight before you work out your cost per day!

Balancers are available for breeding stock, performance horses, good doers and leisure horses.

For more information on Balancers please call Wadswick Country Store on 01225 810700 and ask to speak to Nikki.
